Nehemiah Community Reinvestment Fund

Nehemiah Community Reinvestment Fund is a non-profit Treasury certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), founded in 1995.  The company provides capital and technical assistance to organizations working to revitalize low-income neighborhoods, and operates programs to provide affordable housing, and create jobs in underserved communities throughout the United States.

Through its revolving loan fund Nehemiah Community Reinvestment Fund receives investments from institutions who want double bottom line returns, and uses this capital to make loans to organizations who are working to revitalize, and provide services to, underserved and distressed communities across America. NCRF has received over $27.5 million in investments since the inception of its loan fund. Nehemiah Community Reinvestment Fund has combined this investment capital with its own capital to make over $59 million in loans and investments in underserved communities, which has resulted in the creation of over 5,500 affordable housing units, 4.2 million sq. ft. of community facility space, and has created/preserved 28,000 jobs.

Programs operated by Nehemiah Community Reinvestment Fund include the Neighborhood Restoration Program and Roofs for Troops Program, which provide newly renovated ownership housing to low- to moderate-income and veteran households across the country.